For 42 years, the Community Theatre League has been a vital part of our community. We are a non-profit, volunteer driven organization that is committed to developing, promoting and presenting quality, diverse and affordable live theatre for the entertainment, education and enrichment of the participants and the community. Our typical season includes approximately 40 weekends of performances/entertainment, comprised of:
- Mainstage Plays and Musicals
- Concerts
- SPROUTS children’s plays and Theatre for Young Audiences Productions
- PENGUIN PROJECT/SPOTLIGHT Theatre for Actors with special needs
- Reader’s Theatre performances
- All-student workshop productions
- Summer theatre camp productions and presentations
With the help of more than 300 volunteers per year, CTL has played an important role of the growth and revitalization of downtown Williamsport. Our volunteers change from show to show. Some volunteers act, while some work backstage. Some prefer winter months, some summer. It takes a large group of people to produce each show and their availability is always changing. Perhaps you can fill an empty role.
New to the CTL? Download our Newcomer’s Guide.

Want to play an on-stage role in one of our upcoming productions? Need to see when your rehearsals are or fill out your biography? Get all the information you need right here.
- Biography Submission
- Rehearsal Schedules
- Audition Schedules
- Tips for Auditioning
- Audition Policy

To succeed in our mission, the Community Theatre League depends on endless hours of volunteer involvement in areas such as:
- Committees: Our committees determine the direction of the organization and help with special events. CTL’s committees include Outreach Committee, Production Planning Committee, Development Committee, and Education Committee.
- Costume Seamstress & Wardrobe Staff: collect and/or construct costumes, assist with laundering and repair or help the actors during the show.
- Evening Performance Staff: Our House Staff hand out programs, usher patrons to their seat and ensure all guests of CTL have the best possible experience.
- Light & Sound Tech: work behind the scenes on performances to make sure all aspects of our productions are spectacular.
- Props Gathering, Running & Stage Crew: assist backstage with cast and crew to ensure a smooth performance.
- Set Construction, Painting & Decorating: Help create set pieces and furniture for upcoming productions.

- Attend an audition–The best way to jump right in is to attend an audition and meet the director, stage manager, and production manager. They can tell you where help is needed most.
- Visit the business office–CTL’s administrative staff will be on hand during the day to help get you started by putting you in touch with our CTL’s Volunteer Coordinator.
- Call or email–Contact the business office by calling (570) 327-1720 or by emailing CTLVolunteers@yahoo.com with your contact information and areas of interest.
Each production is staffed independently. If you have a particular interest in a show or position, please let us know. Even if your desired position is already filled, we may call upon you for backup.