2021 Ray of Light Awards General Information
Event Details
The Awards Ceremony
The 2021 Ray of Light Awards Ceremony will take place on Saturday, May 21, 2022, 4 p.m. at The Community Arts Center, 220 West Fourth Street, Williamsport. The event is formal (black tie optional) and is styled after the Oscars® and the Tonys®.
Red Carpet
We have a “red carpet” experience for the students and attendees as they arrive at the Community Arts Center for the Rays. There will be music and photographers stationed outside the theatre between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m.
An honorarium/scholarship and trophy will be given to each of the individual award winners (Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Cameo Performances, and Student Design).
Musical Numbers
The Awards Ceremony will include a group musical number featuring students from each of the participating schools. Each participating high school will also be asked to perform a musical numbers from their show.
Reception afterward
There will be a reception in the Capitol Lounge after the awards ceremony for all students who participated in their school shows, dignitaries, and presenters. The reception will continue until 6:30 p.m.
Tickets for the ceremony are $20 plus CAC fees in the orchestra loge and $15 plus CAC fees in the balcony level. Admission to the VIP Reception is by invitation only.
The Awards Ceremony and Reception are formal (black tie optional).
Eligible Schools & Entry Fees
All high schools within a 40 mile radius of Williamsport are eligible. The entry fee $100 per production, however, CTL does not wish the entry fee to be a deterrent. If financial hardship exists, contact the CTL business office for more information on financial assistance.
The first 25 productions entered will be adjudicated. Entry forms and fees must be received by October 4,2021 for fall semester productions or by December 6 for spring 2022 productions.
All participating shows must be completed by May 1, 2022.
For complete eligibility guidelines, click here.

Our Programs
In addition to putting on performances for the public throughout the year, the Community Theatre League hosts a variety of programs to promote and encourage local youth to get involved in musical theatre and drama. From our annual summer camps to our high school workshops and Oscar-like awards show, we strive to share our talent and passion for the performing arts with the community.