In “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever,” chaos ensues when the unruly Herdman siblings, known as the “worst kids in the history of the world,” take over the annual Christmas pageant. When the usual director is forced to step down due to an injury, Grace Bradley, a seemingly ordinary woman, steps up to coordinate the pageant. Despite initial skepticism from the community, Grace decides to embrace the Herdmans’ involvement, hoping to instill the true meaning of Christmas in them. As rehearsals progress, the Herdmans bring their unconventional flair to the production, turning the traditional pageant on its head. Through their involvement, the community learns important lessons about acceptance, kindness, and the spirit of Christmas.
Director: Marie Fox
Cast List:
Father (Bob Bradley) – James Wooster
Mother (Grace Bradley) – Liz Snow
Beth Bradley – Emily Harer
Charlie Bradley – Wesley Rauch
Ralph Herdman – Riesa Burk
Imogene Herdman – Jade Alexander
Leroy Herdman – Cadence Decker
Claude Herdman – Emmaline Martin
Ollie Herdman – Rebecca Winter
Gladys Herdman – Abby Shibata
Alice Wendleken – Hannah Bastian
Mrs. Armstrong – Rebekah Richardson
Mrs. Slocum – Kristin Perez
Mrs. Clark – Susan Kramer
Mrs. Clausing – Melody Blahut
Mrs. McCarthy – Eliza Weyman
Maxine – Abby Richardson
Elmer Hopkins – Violet Sponhouse
Hobie – Samuel Kramer
David – Isaac Wooster
Beverly – Selah Thompson
Shirley – Eleanor Peters
Juanita – Maryn Fry
Doris – Iris Pinckney
Fireman – Michael McJunkin
Reverend Hopkins – Tim Heilmann
Angel Choir Members: Ava Fitzgerald, Carle Foster, Lyda Pinckney, Kierra Williams, Katie Dinges, Lola Caruso
Baby Angels: Hayden Day, Naomi White, Johara Smith
Shepards: Brian Kramer, Wesley Thompson, Benjamin Kramer, Archer White, Liam White