Light & Sound Technician
Click here for the light and sound tech homepage.
Volunteers looking to work behind-the-scenes, but don’t want to be left out of the on-stage action can opt to work as a Light Technician, a Lighting Designer, or a Sound Technician. These essential people work directly with the show, making sure sound is balanced and that the lighting effects and transitions work seamlessly. Light and sound people range in age from 10-90. No experience? No problem! CTL’s modern light board makes lighting the stage a breeze. If you can push a “go” button, you can be a Light Technician. People with a more advanced knowledge (or interest) in lighting can volunteer for Light Design. These volunteers work closely with the director to create many of the wonderful lighting effects that enhance each show. Moderate time commitment limited to the tech rehearsals and performances of a show.
Sound Technicians cue microphones, sound effects CD’s, music–whatever is needed for a particular show. A little knowledge of sound equipment is helpful, but anyone can learn! Moderate time commitment limited to the tech rehearsals and performances of a show.

Our Programs
In addition to putting on performances for the public throughout the year, the Community Theatre League hosts a variety of programs to promote and encourage local youth to get involved in musical theatre and drama. From our annual summer camps to our high school workshops and Oscar-like awards show, we strive to share our talent and passion for the performing arts with the community.