CTL’s Behind the Curtain classes are part of our initiative to Enrich, Educate, and Entertain our community. Classes are for grades K-9 with classes for additional ages being offered often. Classes are designed to nurture the skills of young performers on and off the stage. With a focus on collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving, students will build confidence while expressing themselves in a positive environment.


**Classes begin week of Sept 30th** 8 weeks total
Last week- week of 11/18

We are inviting all of our local performers, students and interested kids of all ages ‘behind the curtain’ and into our safe learning space to develop the skills to help them become rock star performers! Whether you are brand new to CTL’s classes and summer camps or the stage performer veteran we have something for everyone!

Scholarship and payment plan information can be attained by emailing our Director of Educational Programming, Brandy Aguirre at baguirre@CTLshows.com

Creative Movement
Grades K- 2
Tuesdays from 4:30-5:30pm
Develop independence and communication skills while building confidence in this energetic class! Songs, games, and dance emphasize imagination, coordination, and body awareness while introducing the basics of being onstage.
Cost: $100

Actor’s Toolkit
Grades 3-5

Thursdays from 4:30-5:30  
Young actors will learn how to use their actor’s tools (body, voice, mind and imagination) to bring characters to life. Basic acting concepts, creative games, and short scenes will allow students to become comfortable in front of an audience while building skills not only for the stage, but in everyday life!
Cost: $150

Studio 2 
“Masterclasses: The Morley Buck School of Serious Acting for Extraordinary Actors”
Grades 6-9
Mondays from 4:30-5:30pm
Acting. Is. Life. If you are going to be a student at The Morley Buck School of Serious Acting for Extraordinary Actors, you need to commit to your craft. But acting isn’t all soliloquies and dramatic scenes; to be a true Actor (with a capital “A”) you need to perfect moments such as being Startled Awake, Underwater Thinking, or being hit by a laser B.E.A.M. These are just some of the hyper-specific classes that Morley and his eccentric faculty teach at their unorthodox academy. Warning: This play may result in an increased enthusiasm for performing.
Cost: $150

Financial Aid Opportunities

CTL is a place for everyone. If interested in being considered for a scholarship to help offset the cost of classes, please fill out the Scholarship Request Form found HERE! Financial aid, in the form of tuition assistance grants, is awarded to deserving students to partially off-set the costs of attending. Financial Aid is available on a limited basis; therefore, applicants must demonstrate a clear financial need and a strong desire to participate in the after-school program.  The questions asked in this application are designed to help the CTL staff understand the family situation and financial position and to make certain that assistance is awarded to students whose need is greatest.  The information you provide in this application is considered strictly confidential. All decisions regarding financial assistance are made by the Educational Coordinator and CTL Executive staff.

While reasonable considerations will be made to accommodate each student’s needs. Community Theatre League reserves the right to reconsider enrollment or send a student home should issues require support beyond the capabilities of the CAST staff

Camps can be purchased at our box office, by phone, or online with the links above. For more information about camps please contact our Education Coordinator at baguirre@ctlshows.com and watch for news and updates on our social media pages.

Camp registration fees include all scheduled activities, professional instruction, materials, a summer camp t-shirt, and admission for family members to watch their camper’s end of camp show(s).  All information is sent to the parent/guardian prior to the camp.

A limited number of need-based scholarships are available. Families can receive an application by emailing our Director of Educational Programming Brandy Aguirre at BAguirre@CTLshows.com


Camp instructors are professional teachers, artists, and college students majoring in arts education or theatre arts and have documented experience working with children. There are also college interns and volunteer high school assistants on hand to help keep camps running smoothly. Camps are designed by CTL’s Education Department Coordination in collaboration with camp instructors. All summer instructors and CTL staff members have clearances on file.

  • A small snack will be provided to campers each day. All snacks are nut free, but other allergens may be present. Please clearly indicate any food allergies on the camp permission form so we can be sure to provide a safe and welcoming experience for every student.

  • Water fountains are closed at this time and each camper must bring a water bottle with them and have their name clearly marked on it. CTL water bottles are for sale at our box office for $5.  

  • A full lunch is NOT provided for students who are taking morning and afternoon camps. If your student will be staying for more than one camp, they must bring a lunch from home that does not need to be heated or refrigerated and has the campers name clearly marked on it. 


CTL is excited to launch our After-School classes for this Spring! We are inviting all of our local performers, students and interested kids of all ages ‘behind the curtain’ and into our safe learning space to develop the skills to help them become rock star performers! Whether you are brand new to CTL’s classes and summer camps or the stage performer veteran we have something for everyone!