Props Gathering, Props Running, Stage Crew
If you frequent yard sales and flea markets, and enjoy a great scavenger hunt, then try Props Gathering. “Props” are the everyday items used by actors in shows to make the production realistic and each show requires something a little different. Volunteers willing to take on this position can make use of the CTL’s vast collection of antique and modern props, but may also be required to search for or recreate some period-specific items. This position is great for someone who may not be available during the actual run of a show, but would like to help out in their free time. Minimal to moderate time commitment based on the needs of the show.
Props Runners are the crew people who work the performances of the show to ensure that props are placed onstage or on prop tables for each show and then cleared when necessary. Shows often require a few runners each night, and people can sign on to work as many performances as they are able. Moderate time commitment limited to tech rehearsals and performances of the show.
Stage Crew volunteers are the muscle behind each show. These people help with the moving on and off of set pieces during the performances. Stage crew people may also double as Props Runners, depending on the number of crew people needed for a performance. Because each show is different, the number of people needed can vary widely. Stage Crew volunteers can work as many nights of a show as they are able, but it’s often best if they can commit to the complete run. Moderate time commitment limited to tech rehearsals and performances of the show.

Our Programs
In addition to putting on performances for the public throughout the year, the Community Theatre League hosts a variety of programs to promote and encourage local youth to get involved in musical theatre and drama. From our annual summer camps to our high school workshops and Oscar-like awards show, we strive to share our talent and passion for the performing arts with the community.